Niche gallery is searching for new volunteers for the 2010-2011 school year. As the current gallery team will be entering their fourth year in September, we felt it would be suitable to give younger students an opportunity to obtain a valuable learning experience. This experience could be helpful to both Art History and Art Studio majors.
If you or someone you know is interested in helping run niche gallery, please e-mail Bonnie Patton at, or Brenna Crabtree at
It is our gallery team's sincere hope that a group of students - 3 to 5 students - will help next year so that the gallery will continue.
There aren't really any strict rules or qualifications needed to run niche gallery - just a sincere interest and enthusiasm, as well as reliability, will do just fine.
...on that note we'd still like to make a recommendation that at least one gallery team member have a background in Museum Studies (i.e. - someone who has taken Intro. to Museum Studies and/or Critical Issues in Museum Studies). This way the whole 'behind-the-scenes' gallery procedures will be addressed, because it's easy to underestimate the amount of thought behind an exhibition when you're new to the exhibition process; there's really more to it than one might think.
With that said, here are some good reasons to volunteer to run niche gallery:
- It's a great learning experience
- It's fun and interesting to run a gallery
- It will look awesome on your artist CV/Resume
- You'll obtain a lot of knowledge and appreciation for gallery spaces
Positions needed t0 be filled for 2010-2011 are:
- Director/Curator
- Public Coordinator
- Interviewer/Review Writer
- Technician/Installation Assistant
We hope to receive some e-mails in the New Year - may the recruiting begin!
the 2009-2010 niche gallery team
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